Central Valley

Central Valley
Central Valley

California’s Central Valley is one of the largest geographic provinces in the state. It stretches some 400 miles from north to south and is more than 60 miles wide in places. The more than 18,000 square miles that make up the Great Central Valley are home to some of the most valuable and productive farmland in the world.

Woodland and Meadow
Much of the northern Central Valley (Sacramento Valley) may have looked similar to this upon the arrival of gold seekers in the late 1840s. But a trained eye will notice that there are non-native invasives present in this "natural" scene.
Dowtown Fresno
Fresno is the largest city by population in the Central Valley. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates the 2017 population to be 527,438. Yet its central business district is modest compared to most cities of its size and often appears deserted after dark. The city has long been a major hub of the state's agricultural industry.
Seemingly Endless Agriculture
Irrigated cropland stretches out as far as the eye can see in this farm in the southern Central Valley. Contrary to popular belief it is agriculture, not cities, that consume the lion's share of the water managed by California's huge water projects. Some 9 million acres of the Golden State are irrigated as cropland. That accounts for approximately 80% of all the water used in the state.
Groundwater Pumping, Maricopa
Intensive groundwater pumping for agriculture in the San Joaquin portion of the Central Valley has seriously depleted the aquifer. Some areas of the valley have seen the water table decline by more than 400 feet.
Happy Cows
While we can't know if these bovines are truly happy, we do know they make their owners a tidy profit. According to the USDA livestock census there were ~ 5,150,000 head of cattle (of all types) in the state at the start of 2019. And for the last few years , milk and cream from cattle have been the most valuable agricultural products. In 2018 their value to the state was registered at $6.5 billion. That's no bull!
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