Beach Streets in Long Beach We end our bicycle tour mania a little farther inland in eastern parts of Long Beach. Beach Streets car-free street events have allowed tens of thousands of bicyclists, skaters, and walkers to safely follow designated routes through Long Beach for one day without worrying about car traffic. This September 17, 2022 event started at Cal State University Long Beach and linked up with Spring Street from Bellflower to Studebaker road.
Our Beach Streets 2022 route led us through eastern (inland) Long Beach near the 405 Freeway.
Live entertainment is included in most of these car-free events and Beach Streets in Long Beach has its share. Here, the band checks the sound system before the big crowds gather. We are viewing toward the blue Cal State University Long Beach pyramid landmark building.
Beach Street bikers stop at this park to check out the public booths and participate in a host of activities and entertainment (such as puppet shows) geared toward younger children and families.
There are plenty of signs of encouragement along the Beach Streets right-of-way.
Bikers stop for Beach Streets selfies on the east side of Long Beach.
As with most of these car-free street events, you will find a variety of entertainment and activities for the entire family. Extreme cycling takes the stage here at Beach Streets in Long Beach.